Nursery-aged children can be dropped off in our nursery before the service and our welcome team can show you where to go. They can stay in the nursery for the entire service or may be picked up in time for communion. You can register them here!
Older children (3 years old- 5th grade) will start out in the service and will go upstairs to our education wing after the children’s sermon. They will return during the announcements and in time for communion.
For more information about what we offer, please click here.

Your child’s physical, emotional, and spiritual well being is important to us! All paid staff and volunteers are trained to care for your child well.
Along with basic care training, every staff and volunteer must pass a background check and complete the Ministry Safe training program. We have cleaning protocols, playground safety protocols, and follow the guidelines laid out by the Gulf Atlantic Diocese for safeguarding our children. If at any point you have concerns about your child’s safety, please do not hesitate to reach out to Angela Jones, our Director of Children's Ministry.